Monday, 19 October 2015

Don't Swipe Xposed Module | Stop Snooping Individuals from Swiping through your Photos and Videos.| Lock Images in Gallery from Swiping | Xposed Modules by Geeky Android Tips

Hi guys this Shubham aka ThunderBolt. All of us have many friends and we usually give our phones to them just for 1-2 mins to show a image or a video, but some of them are real pain in the a** who start to swipe among our private images after viewing that image or video. Just to stop these kind of people, a developer named "iHelp101" has created a Xposed Module titled "Don't Swipe", which as the name tells, prevents other from swiping through your images and videos. What this app does is that, when you lock a image, and a person tries to swipe, the gallery will automatically crash. And today I'm going to show you how to use it.

So first of all you need to download Don't Swipe, install it and enable it in Xposed Installer. After that head to the app and select the thing to happen when swipes your image. After that go to gallery and open that image which you want to show to others and press menu button and then lock the photo from the over-flow menu. And viola, now nobody will be able to swipe through your images.


You can also download Don't Swipe from my post:

Download Don't Swipe APK

Well that's it for today guys, hope you like my posts.
Feel free to leave questions and suggestions in the comments section.

Peace !

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